TIFFANY PARK SPIRIT DAYS! Spirit Wear ORDER NOW! Order your Tiffany Park spirit wear and show your school spirit! We are now offering two logos-the tiger paw that many of you are familiar with as well as a full tiger logo which those who have been part of the Tiffany Park community for many years will be familiar with! A variety of spirit wear styles are available with either logo through Winners Sportswear: https://tiffanyparkelem.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Adult sizes are also available for parents and caregivers, school staff, PTA members and community friends. When you place your order, you will have the option to have your order shipped directly to your home (for a fee), to pick up your order from the school, or to pick up your order from Winners. If you choose the option to pick up your order from the school, a PTA representative will be picking up orders once every month and the orders will be sent home with your student. If you have any questions please contact president@tiffanyparkpta.org. Proceeds from the sale of spirit wear will go to Tiffany Park Elementary PTA to help support our students!